Summer is just about over. It has flown by and what tremendous things have been happening in our lives!
We have been trying to find someone who can help us as we seek to enter the next step of the ministry God has given us to do. Besides the Wonderfully Made ministry which we do at church, our sights have been set on starting some Family Homes for those with special needs. Everything is in God's timing and sometimes it is difficult to wait. We called lawyers, I surfed the internet, and came up with nothing.
The last couple of years have been difficult ones as we went through some very trying times. Times of being falsely accused, shunned by some, and wondering where God was in this process and why he was allowing brothers and sisters in Christ and friends to turn against us. After all, hadn't he called us to do this ministry? At times I wanted to cry out, "God where are you?" I knew what it was to go through depression. I knew what it was to get up in the morning, to feel that awful feeling in my stomach, and the strong desire to just give up. But God had something to teach me. I held on to him for dear life. Sometimes I felt as though I was drowning but the words "I will never leave thee nor forsake thee," kept coming back to me. I said to God, "I have passed the test, Don and I have gone through and we've made it, but nothing is happening. What's wrong?"
I knew what was between God and me. The sin of unforgiveness! I had written about it in my book and here I was--unable to forgive! I tried and I tried, but the hurt was so very, very deep that I couldn't give it to God--or I tried, but I just kept taking it back.
A few weeks ago our pastor spoke about something that may be between us and God that is keeping us from getting our prayers answered or is keeping us from doing what God has for us to do. I began to weep as I realized what it was in my life. As the tears rolled down my cheeks, and I gave my burden to God, I asked him to help me to forgive the people who had so hurt me. Peace instantly came over me. I began to see the people who had so deeply hurt me in a whole new light. Oh, it will always hurt, but as times goes by and as I continue to heal, it will not hurt as much. Sometimes we have to be completely broken so that God can use us His way!
And things began to happen! We reached someone who can help us with the beginning of the process to start the family homes. We meet with him today!
The Wonderfully Made ministry which God has given us to do is just no longer being effective. Don and I have been praying about what God wants us to do with the ministry. Yesterday a lady came to church with her 15-year-old daughter who has Down Syndrome. "I heard you have a ministry here for people with special needs," she said. She was disappointed to find out that we only had an activity for them every few months. Immediately I knew what it was God wanted us to do. And amazingly, or not so amazingly, (because God is awesome) Don knew so too. We are going to start a Sunday School class for high schoolers and adults who have special needs.
All of a sudden, God is giving us opportunities to reach these families! Praise God! I want to scream and shout for joy! Other things have happened too. If I typed them all, it would just take too much time.
Now as we begin the process of starting these homes, we ask God for strength and faith. At our age, and with our abilities (or lack of them), it is going to be faith that gets us through this. We know that God will give us everything and EVERYBODY who we need in order to do what He wants done. We are the willing instruments and He will take care of the rest.
What a wonderful God we have!