Matthew is changing so quickly and learning more and more every day. For those of you who don't know (as I didn't), children who live in orphanages have attachment issues. You see, at first Matthew went to everybody. But he never showed any affection. The idea was to get him to stop reaching for everybody and bond to his family; first of all, his parents, and then his extended family.
I am into the fourth week of babysitting Matthew. The changes in that little boy are just unbelievable!! Last week was the first time that he actually laid his head on my shoulder. Today he started something new. When he was in his highchair, he suddenly reached up to me. When he did it, I knew he didn't want to get out of the highchair because he loves to eat. I bent over and hugged him, and for the longest time he placed his head on my shoulder. He did that twice at both breakfast and lunch. He is indeed attaching himself to his new family, and for the first time in his life, he is understanding what it is to be loved.
What a joy it is to watch this miracle unfold!!!
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