Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Praise God for His Goodness

"For we walk by faith, not by sight" (II Corinthians 5:7).

Or do we walk by sight and not by faith? We all falter from time to time, but oh how wonderful it is to walk by faith. This last week has been full of blessings.

On Thursday, a dear friend of ours was scheduled for a biopsy. It turned out that when he went back to the doctor, the biopsy wasn't even necessary. Praise God!

On Thursday we found out that we can only get COBRA for a few more weeks. Don's company is closing its doors permanently and COBRA will not be available. We didn't fret. We trusted God. And we continued to praise Him for who He is.

On Thursday night we had five ladies in attendance at our first Wonderfully Made Moms meeting. Praise God!

On Friday and Saturday, my husband did some work for a neighbor. Not only did our neighbor pay Don, but on Saturday we also received a check in the mail that we weren't expecting. Praise God!

Yesterday morning Trent and I went for our annual physicals and to get our prescriptions refilled for the upcoming year. The doctor squeezed us in because we had requested to have appointments before our insurance ran out. Before we saw the doctor, the nurse (who happens to be a Christian) talked to us about the insurance situation. I explained to her that Don would go on Medicare in July and that he would not have insurance coverage until then. My biggest fear was, however, that Trent would have to go on Medicaid. (There are very few doctors who will take Medicaid.) Her reply was, "The doctor takes those." I replied, "Yes, I know she takes Medicare, but Trent won't have that for about two years. It's Medicaid he will have." "Yes," she replied. "When the doctor has seen a patient for as long as she has seen Trent, she will continue to see him and accept his Medicaid." I furthered explained that I will not have insurance for the next few months. Her reply to that was, "Doctor will see you too, even without insurance. You've been with her for a long time and as long as you come in every three months and continue to take care of yourself, you can come in and have your diabetic checkup."

"Praise God!" I said, as tears came to my eyes. I couldn't wait to get home to share the news with Don. When I told him, he said, "God has been so good to us!"

"He sure has," I responded.

Yes, the last few days have been days filled with God's blessings! I can not help but think about the huge step of faith we took a little over four years ago.

I was working part time at a local hospital. God laid it on our hearts that I should quit my job to spend more time in the ministry. At that time, I wanted to finish my book and didn't have the time to do it. Don's employer, however, was beginning to send their jobs to Mexico and we already knew it was just a matter of time until he would lose his job. My biggest fear was in regards to the medical insurance. If I continued to work at the hospital, I would have the insurance I needed. If I left the job, then I could possibly face a time without the insurance.

It has been exciting to see how God is taking care of every little matter. Even when the hard times come, and they will, we must remember God's faithfulness and to praise Him!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

He cares even for the sparrows...
I have been thinking about that lately when some fears have been creeping up and He gives me so much peace.

He is caring for your every need, too! Its so good to see someone else testify that, too!