Tuesday, July 14, 2009

No Boring Retirement for Us!

Wow! Time really does fly! I didn't realize that it has been two weeks since I blogged.

Don and I went out to the campground for a few days last week. The second day we were there it rained, and it rained, and it rained. Now if any of you know anything about camping, rain is not good. We can tolerate the cold, we can even tolerate the heat. But when it rains, there is not much we can do. We went to a town a few miles away and walked around in the stores. Soon we grew weary of that and went back to the campground. We had reading material with us, but one can only read for so long. I LOVE to read. My husband LIKES to read somewhat. When I admitted that even I was tired of reading, he was surprised.

Then I was convicted about something our pastor said recently. Did you ever stop to think that when we complain about the weather we are complaining about something God made? It's a very convicting thought, isn't it?

VBS starts tomorrow at our church. Don, Trent and I are helping out--I'm teaching the 10-12 year olds and Don is in charge of the games.

Don was laid off in February, forcing him to retire sooner than he wanted to retire. However, we have committed ourselves to not retiring from the Lord's work as long as God give us strength to continue to serve him. As anyone who has an adult child with a disability living at home knows, we will never be bored. Isn't it wonderful to serve God and to be able to be there for an adult child with a disability as long as God allows? No complaints of boredom!

Last Wednesday Trent turned 29. Those years have flown by so quickly. Today is my husband's 65th birthday. Happy Birthday to two of the men in my life whom I love very much!!

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