Monday, December 8, 2008

Big Problem - Not for God!

Chet and Phyllis reached a snag (a big one!!) when they reached California. The first international plane they boarded had a problem. They boarded another one and it had a problem. Then they boarded a third one, but there was no crew available. They had to spend the night in California.

The BIG problem? They would miss their appointment to pick up Matthew. They contacted their agent. Yes, they were told, this could be a very BIG problem. We prayed. Phyllis' family prayed. Our church prayed. Our family and friends prayed. Chet and Phyllis were allowed another 24 hours. Instead of picking up Matthew on Monday morning (China time), they will now pick him up Tuesday morning, which is late tonight our time. It's still going to be very, very close. God is in control. At times like this, it is hard to trust Him, but we must. He ALWAYS knows what is best.

I have watched these children of ours and they have had such tremendous testimonies! After going through years of infertility, they decided to adopt. I only know parts of what they have faced, but it has been a steep uphill battle the entire way.

Big problem? Yes, but it's not too big for God!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Praise God! I wondered if they would have a problem with Chet and Phyllis being late...Praise God it worked out!! Congratulations!