Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Grandchildren Are Precious!

Grandchildren are precious. When we are raising our own children, sometimes the busyness of our lives gets in the way of our enjoyment of them. That's why grandparents are so important.

We have had two prayers that God has recently answered in a very direct way. Our grandson Andrew (age 9), had been going through some struggles. Every night before my husband and I go to bed, we get on our knees and pray together. We pray for EVERY member of our family (and that list is getting quite long). We pray for specific needs for each one. We prayed that this year in school Andrew would find favor with his teacher. The other day he told me, "Grandma, my teacher says that she is so proud and happy to have me in her class." What a difference I can see in him, and what an answer to prayer!

About a month ago, my grandson, Brandon (age 8), received a D+ in spelling on his report card. He was really upset about it and about the fact that he would be grounded for it. I told him that Grandpa and I would pray for him every day and encouraged him to study harder. Two weeks later, when we saw him again, he had received A+ on both of his tests. He told his mom, "That's because Grandma and Grandpa were praying for me." What a testimony of God's love to these young boys. I hope they begin to see and understand the power of prayer and to have faith in God's answering their prayers.

Because my grandparents lived hundreds of miles away, I never really got to know them. The same thing happened to our children. I am thankful that most of our grandchildren live close by. If they remember nothing else about their grandparents, I want to leave each of them with this legacy--Grandma and Grandpa loved me and prayed faithfully for me.

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