Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Matthew's Surgery

Please be in prayer for Matthew's surgery scheduled for tomorrow at 11:30 a.m. He will have surgery to repair his cleft palate. He has had a cold but the nurse told Chet that if Matthew's nose was running clear and he did not have a fever, they would go ahead and do the surgery.

I am going to miss him for the next three weeks. We can't believe how quickly he is learning. A few days ago I taught him the sign for more and he picked it up in no time. Now when he wants more of something, he uses the sign. In the past weeks we have seen him learn to fold his hands every time we pray, throw kisses, give hugs, wink, blow his nose, etc. You get the picture. It is amazing that after spending almost 16 months in an orphanage how he has made up for lost time. God is going to do something special with that little boy!

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Sweet Matthew is in my prayers today.