Monday, March 16, 2009

Wonderfully Made Moms

Yesterday was a great day in church--as usual. It is always wonderful to gather together with God's people and learn more about Him.

I am so-o-o excited as we begin a new phase of our special needs (Wonderfully Made) ministry. Next month we will begin a Bible study for mothers who have children with special needs. I am also thankful for a young mother, Jennie, who will be helping me out in this ministry.

Jennie is the wife of a wonderful man and the mother of three young children, age three and under. Their family began to attend the church where we are members some time, I believe, around the end of last summer. Jennie's three-year-old daughter, Kaylee, has autism. I admit to knowing little about autism, but I am beginning to learn. I would direct those of you who would like to know more to go to Jennie's She has written about her experiences with Kaylee and some of the successes she has had. She is a young woman who loves the Lord and I look forward to working with her in this endeavor to reach out to other moms. I believe God brought us together for this part of the Wonderfully Made ministry. Our objective, of course, is to help and encourage each other, but most of all to point to the One who can solve all of our problems--Jesus Christ.

Little Kaylee loves music. Last night her parents brought her into church for the music part of the service. Pastor requested that we sing Jesus Loves Me. Kaylee sang out with all her might--and she sang right on key. It was such a blessing to me.

Yes, we are looking for great things from God. Pray for us as we reach out to Wonderfully Made Moms. (And yes, we are wonderfully made too!)

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