Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh How I Love Jesus!

Oh how I love Jesus!
Oh how I love Jesus!
Oh how I love Jesus-
Because He first loved me.

After singing that song in our Wonderfully Made Sunday School class on Sunday, I told the students, "Isn't that wonderful that Jesus loved us first? That's because He knew us before we knew Him." John, a young man with autism, looked at me and in the sweetest voice said, "I love Jesus so-o-o much. That's because He died on the cross for me." It was precious and the sincerity in his voice touched me. Oh, that we all would love Jesus so-o-o much because He loved us first.

1 comment:

Jenny said...

Did you know I was told that people with autism can't believe in God because He is not "concrete"? It's sad that people are so busy putting limits on our kids instead of believing for better things...