Saturday, September 12, 2009


It's been a long time since I've written anything about our little grandchild, Matthew. He is the precious gift God gave our family. Our son and daughter-in-law adopted him from China last December. He was 16 months old at the time. I'll never forget the first time he came to our house. It was Christmas Eve and they had been home with him only a few days.

His new mom (our daughter-in-law) carried him into the house. He was half asleep. Because of the time change, it was difficult for him to wake up. When he did, he was very withdrawn.

At the beginning, he had attachment issues. This meant that to him everybody was the same. There was a process where his parents had to ask other people not to hold him so that he would become attached to his mommy and daddy. They were told that for him to fully attach to them would take the same amount of time that he was in the orphanage--16 months.

Well, he has been a part of the Evans family for nine months now. Has he attached to his mommy and daddy? Oh yes!! He adores his parents. To watch him and our son and daughter-in-law, it is hard to believe that he has ever been with anyone but them.

Chet and Phyllis have been so sweet about bringing me flowers since my surgery. Yesterday they stopped by to bring me more beautiful flowers. (I'm getting spoiled.) Matthew walked in with the flowers and handed them to me. It was the most special thing.

When Matthew comes to our home, he walks straight to the train table that we have for the grandchildren. He loves Thomas. When he gets tired with that, he takes someones hand and heads for the front closet where all the toys are kept. He is very much at home and very much our grandchild.

Matthew has the sweetest smile. When he smiles, the whole room lights up! Who knew adoption could be so wonderful? Thank you Heavenly Father!

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