Monday, September 7, 2009

Pain, Pain and More Pain

Friday night after brushing my teeth, I happily walked into our bedroom announcing to my husband, "Guess what? I flossed my teeth." Now that might not seem like a big deal, but to me it was. It means that I am getting more range of motion.

Yesterday I was able to put on some mascara. Yahoo!

But none of this comes without pain. And I do mean pain!

Last Wednesday when I went to therapy, the therapist turned my arm every which way possible-over and over and over. I am here to tell you that I would rather go through labor ten times than to have to go through that once. But there is much more to come. I get through it by taking deep breaths and talking to God.

Yes, I had heard how horribly painful surgery on the rotatar cuff was. But for me the surgery was a piece of cake. It is actually the therapy that hurts! It is almost constant pain--the pain that makes a person feel like giving up. You know what I say. This too shall pass.

The therapist said that I am making good progress!

Onward and upward I go! Maybe I will be able to pluck my eyebrows soon!!

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