I'm looking beyond the clouds of disability and thanking God for the gift of my son.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Merry Christmas!
Yesterday we went to the Christmas Program of our new little grandson, Matthew. It was held at his day care center.
His Mom is a Christian school teacher and she has been home this week. He did not want to let go of her.
The day care is just down the street from us and he attends there two days a week. We have him two-three days a week, and, when his other grandmother isn't working, she loves to have him one day a week.
While at the day care center, I noticed a young man holding a toddler who had Down Syndrome. Most of the time, I will approach the parent, talk to them and tell them about our son, Trent. Once in a while I find someone who pulls away as if to say, "Who cares?" But this young father was quite proud and quite talkative about his son. The mother was a ways off, so at first I didn't get to speak to her.
I asked Don to go out to the car and get a copy of the book I wrote, "Beyond the Clouds." We have begun to give them away as the Spirit leads.
I approached the mother and said to her, "Are you the mother of the little boy who has Downs?"
She looked at me rather cautiously and answered, "Yes, I am."
"Here, I would like to give you this book I wrote. It's about my son who also has Down Syndrome."
She gave me a big smile. "You wrote this?" she asked.
I nodded.
"Thank you," she said.
The plan of salvation is clearly told in the last chapter of that book. That is the most important gift we can give to anyone.
Today is Christmas Eve and our family will be here. By tonight, as I drop into bed, I will be exhausted--and very, very happy. Tomorrow I will rest. But in all of that I don't want to forget the real meaning of Christmas--and share it with others!
Have a very wonderful Christ-centered Christmas!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Why do I sometimes feel so alone?
Two weeks ago something happened that reminded me of what it felt like to feel so alone. As we get older, life seems somehow to get easier; actually, in reality I think it is because we adapt and because we learn to accept things as they are and, most definitely, we learn to depend upon the Lord more.
Trent has always adored his nephews and his nieces. He loves to carry them around and hug them. But whenever they reached toddler hood, they no longer wanted to be carried around or hugged so much; they wanted to be independent.
So it is with Matthew--our little China Doll. He is now two and very much a two-year-old. A few weeks ago, at church, Trent was playing with Matthew, and he was overdoing it a little. We have tried so hard to help him to understand why toddlers are the way they are, but he doesn't get it. In the process of playing with Matthew, Trent accidentally caused Matthew to slip and hit his head on a cement floor. It was a very hard fall and a major bang to his head. He immediately had a HUGE goose egg--the kind that makes parents, and grandparents, scared that something will go wrong.
We came home despondent. We called our son and asked how Matthew was doing. At that time, things didn't look too good. Off and on through the night, whenever we woke up, we prayed. God answered and Matthew is find, but going through that brought back feelings that I had not had for sometime.
"When will he ever learn?" I thought to myself. As much as we try, there are just some things that Trent can not comprehend. It feels so frustrating to be 61 years old and to still be teaching a child--a child who is actually a man. All of a sudden I felt that aloneness that I had not felt for many years.
Right around that time, one of the ladies in my Wonderfully Made Moms group e-mailed me that she was planning to be at our next meeting and she made this statement, "It (attending the meeting) keeps me from feeling so alone."
That's when the Holy Spirit gave me the idea for December's meeting. At the meeting I asked each lady to tell a time when she felt so alone in the process of raising a child with special needs. It was an enjoyable time of sharing and for our lesson I shared from the Bible three people who must have felt extremely alone at times in their lives.
The first person we talked about was Paul. Most of you know the story--how he was persecuting Christians, and on the road to Damascus a bright light blinded him. He then became a follower of Christ and a preacher of the gospel. So what else do we know about Paul? II Corinthians 11:23-30 is actually Paul's resume. Open your Bible and read these verses. All the horrible things that happened to Paul because he faithfully served God! How alone he must have felt during those times! And yet he just kept on.
Next we talked about Mary, the mother of Jesus. In Luke 1:27-39, we read about the angel coming to Mary and making the announcement that she would bring forth a son and would call his name JESUS. We know that she was a virgin. I especially like verse 38 which says, "And Mary said, 'Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word.'" Isn't that something? Knowing the ridicule she would face and the loneliness ahead of her, she trusted in God and she was willing to do just exactly what God wanted her to do.
Think about her for a moment! I remember when I was a sophomore in high school--46 years ago. One of the girls in my class became pregnant and was discharged from school. It was shameful and I can remember how shocked we all were when we heard about it. And yet, Mary lived during Bible times. How much more difficult it must have been for her. I'm sure that at times she felt so alone.
Then we talked about Jesus dying on the cross. The statement that touches my heart the most is when Jesus cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
I was the only girl in a family of five children. I was my daddy's girl. It would have deeply hurt me if he had turned his back on me. And yet, here was Jesus, taking our sins upon Himself, crying out those words to God the Father. Can you even imagine how alone He felt at that time?
Paul--beaten and imprisoned many times for preaching the gospel
Mary--Being obedient to God in spite of the ridicule she may have to face
Jesus--Taking our sins upon Him and having His Father turn His back on Him
All of these are such great examples to us--especially, of course, our Lord Jesus Christ. How did each of them get through this time of feeling so alone? Because their precious Heavenly Father was still there--always was and always would be.
In conclusion, what can I do when I face situations that make me feel so alone?
1. I can acknowledge that this will happen--it is quite normal.
2. I can know that God is present with me at all times. He knows; He cares and He understands.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Who am I that a king would bleed and die for?
I have had a family prayer request answered--something for which I had prayed a very long time. Thank you Jesus!
Today was my monthly appointment with my orthopedic surgeon. It has been three months since my shoulder surgery. I know I have shared this before, but I will share it again. I have no insurance coverage of any kind for physical therapy. (As a matter of fact, I still owe $70,000 plus for my surgery. As of this writing, I have not received any bills, but I am trusting God to handle it in His way and His time.) Because of our financial situation, my doctor wrote an order for only seven weeks of PT, just once a week. Ordinarily, this kind of surgery would require 3-4 months of PT, three times a week.
Last month he was very pleased with my progress, but for some reason, I didn't seem to make the progress I felt I should have this month. And I've worked--boy, have I worked. The exercises are difficult and sometimes, still, painful.
So...I dreaded going in to see him today.
Don and I prayed and prayed that he wouldn't bawl me out or in any way be discouraging. Our prayers were answered!
His words to me were, "Three months since your surgery. You are right on schedule...right where you should be." As he did his dictation, he mentioned therapy. When he was finished, I reminded him. "I don't get therapy anymore. Remember our financial situation?" He nodded and said, "I know. That's what makes this even more impressive!" Do you know what impresses and amazes me? It's that God cares about me so much that He has stepped in and taken over where therapy left off.
As he walked out the door, I said, "I had help," as I pointed upward. His reply? "That doesn't hurt." I said, "I have had many people praying for me."
Yes, God has answered prayer. He has given me the strength to keep on keeping on when I felt like quitting. I have to work hard for recovery, but God is the one Who is healing my shoulder.
And these last few days have found me singing these words from a song I heard several years ago. "Who am I that a King would bleed and die for?"
Indeed, who am I? A sinner saved by grace. Thank you Jesus for bleeding and dying for me and caring for me in every way.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
A Time of Thanksgiving
I don't blog as often as I use to. For me, it is still an effort to type for very long. Yes, the pain in my arm and shoulder continue, the exercises continue and on and on it goes. I remember that the doctor told me 4 to 6 months of recuperation. But who believed it? Or who wanted to believe it? Now I realize that it may go on even longer than that. Sigh!
Enough complaining! Thanksgiving is coming and I want to focus on all the things God has done for me. I don't want to take the every day things for granted--a roof over my head, food on my table, shoes on my feet. You know what I mean. And yet, there is so-o-o much more.
What about that home He has prepared for us? Heaven. What about knowing that whatever comes into our lives, He is always there for us? It is so comforting to know that when I go to bed at night, He is there. He is there when I wake up. He is there through the bad times and the good times, loving me as nobody else can. And yes, He loves me even when I am not so nice.
When I want to complain about a lack of sleep, I need to be reminded of our many, many soldiers who are risking their lives so that I can climb into that nice warm bed every night. They don't ever know what it is like to get a good night's sleep. When I sit down to a nice hot meal, I need to be reminded of all the people in the world who are starving. We have so much!!!
And America--the land of the free! How much longer will we have our freedom? Yes, we have many, many things for which to be thankful.
Let's not forget about our church, our family, and our friends. And at the top of our list? It should be our salvation.
When I was seven years old, I knelt beside our bathtub (yes, our bathtub) and accepted Jesus Christ as my own personal Saviour. We had just come home from revival services that night and my mother had told me to take a bath. When she came into the bathroom a few minutes later, I was sitting there and crying. She asked me, "Cindy, what's wrong?" I asked her, "If I die tonight, will I go to heaven?" She said, "I don't know. Will you?" I answered her, "No, I won't. I'm not saved." So we got on our knees, and there, by the bathtub, I asked Jesus to save me. He did! I am so thankful that Jesus loves me, this I know!!
Remember all that God has done for you this Thanksgiving.
Monday, November 2, 2009
My Son -- the Winner!!
The other day I looked up Special Olympics on the computer. One of the first things I read made me very happy. Special Olympics is trying to get people to take a pledge refusing to use the "R" word. Then I scrolled down the page to other websites and one site drew my attention. I clicked on and began to read. I won't mention the website here because not only it is not worth anything, it is also very hurtful.
It was written by a young man who apparently was asked to help in Special Olympics at one time. I began to read and I thought that he was going to tell about what he had learned as a volunteer and have something positive to say. Was I ever wrong!
He made malicious statements about people who have special needs. He seemed to have a very limited vocabulary indeed as he favored one word which should be censored.
At the very end of the article, he had a picture of a runner finishing the race and winning. The caption under the picture read, "Even though he won, he's still retarded."
I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. Obviously the young man who wrote this article had no life. How could he? In a way I almost felt sorry for him. He does not know the value of a person. He does not know that God made everyone and everyone has a purpose. I would like to ask him the following questions:
How many 29-year-old men do you know who have cleaned house for the last 10 weeks for his mother who had surgery?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who do the laundry every week without complaining (acually love to do it)?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who do not complain that they do not have a car to drive and are grateful for those who provide their transportation?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who will stand by their mother when she is in terrible pain and shed tears for her?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who cut the grass, take out the garbage, rake the leaves, and shovel the snow without being asked?
How many 29-year-old men attend church faithfully Sunday Morning, Sunday Evening and Wednesday Evening and pitch in and help wherever they are needed?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who love to meet and greet people as they walk into the church, making people feel welcome?
How many 29-year-old men do you know who touch other's lives in a significant way--one person at a time?
My son! That's who! He is a wonderful 29-year-old man who happens to have Down Syndrome. He has meant so much to so many people. We cannot imagine our lives without him. Whether he wins or loses a race, it makes no difference. He is our son, and he is God's creation. He is a winner!!!!
How can we possibly measure the worth of any individual? When someone writes an article such as this young man did, I can only hope that he will somehow find God.
Monday, October 19, 2009
The Body of Christ
In the past few months, as I have been daily doing my exercises for my right shoulder, the practicality of this example in the Bible became so real to me as I compared it to my own body. Most of the exercises I must do require the help of my left arm. As a result, my left arm has become sore and at times can become quite painful. I realize that there is no way for me to do the exercises for my right shoulder without the assistance of my left hand and arm. Two practical examples came to me:
1. As members of the Body of Christ, we should be quick to assist other members of that body as they need us.
2. Just as my left arm is in pain from assisting my right arm, so we should hurt for others (or have compassion) to those who are a part of the Body of Christ.
Are we assisting other members? Are we hurting for others? I hope this lessons touches someone today as it touched me.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Why have a schedule?
I am recuperating from my surgery quite well. The pain has lessened and I have been able to cut back a little bit on my pain medicine. (I do need it though for my exercises.) My range of motion leaves a lot to be desired. I am working hard and gaining little by little, but have a long ways to go.
I thought I would share a few of the things we have been learning in our Wonderfully Made Moms Bible Study.
Firstly we learned that in order to get our life in order, we need to have time with the Lord every day. Without His strength, we can not make it. Secondly, we need to have a good relationship with our husband. Thirdly, we must learn how to manage our time when we have children so that we can still find a little bit of time for ourselves. If we can not find this time, we can easily become exhausted and depressed, and sometimes, physically ill.
A few years before I met my husband, I spent a few days with my brother and sister-in-law who had just had their third child. While she was in the hospital, I cared for their two daughters. I was amazed at how difficult it was to keep two little girls clean, fed and happy and still keep other necessary things done. When my sister-in-law came home, I learned a valuable lesson from her. She had her children on a strict schedule. The girls had a time to get up, a time to play, a time to go outside, a time for snacks, a time for meals, a time for a nap, a time for family activities in the evening, and a time for bedtime. According to Ecclesiastes 3, there is a time for everything.
When my first child was born, I attempted to put him on a schedule. He was colicky so this was not possible at first. But it was such a priority, that as soon as I was able to do so, he was on a schedule. And so were all my children born after him. Fortunately, my first baby was the only one who was colicky.
By putting our children on a schedule, we can also find time for our husbands and yes, believe it or not, time for ourselves. Now I know this can't work for everybody, especially for parents of some children with special needs. But too many times I've seen parents too busy doing unnecessary running around and making too many exceptions to the schedule. We need to have priorities.
I gave an assignment to the mothers in our group. I asked them to take the letters of the word SCHEDULE and, using each letter, find a word that would describe what positive things there could be for our children (and us) by putting them on a schedule. I came up with the following:
H = He is a HELPER
E = He is EASIER to get along with (because he knows what is expected of him)
D = He will DO more of what I ask of him
U = He will UNDERSTAND what is expected of him
L = A schedule will make LIFE easier for all of us
E = We will ENJOY him more
Can you come up with more? If so, either leave a comment or e-mail me at beyondtheclouds@sbcglobal.net I will blog your answers soon. Also, for some of you Moms who have your child(ren) on a schedule, let me know some of the positive results you see.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sharing with Others
When I got home, I began to think about her situation. I know some people who never seem to complain and are wonderful examples of trusting God and accepting what He allows in their lives. I have great admiration for them. But I also believe that there are times that we need to share the difficult things--the times that we are down in the valley. There are so many hurting people out there, and they need to know that others have gone through or are going through the same thing that they are facing.
This last February I was asked to speak at a workshop. It was for people who have a ministry with those who have special needs. As I was speaking, I noticed a couple sitting to my right in the second row. They had tears in their eyes. Afterwards I found out that a statement I had made had really encouraged them. I simply shared that special needs ministry was a very difficult ministry and many times it was also a slow-growing ministry. I also shared some of the obstacles and heartaches through which my husband and I had gone. Afterwards they told me how they had felt the same way and many times had felt like giving up, but that it was so encouraging to hear how someone else had gone through something so similar.
Afterwards, others thanked me and told me how they related to what I had said.
We can encourage people by sharing the hurt we are facing or have faced. It is wonderful to give our testimony to others about what God has done and is doing for and through us. But sometimes we fail to tell about the difficult things--the pain, the sorrow, the discouragement, and that oh, so alone, feeling, How about you? Think about those who have been the most encouragement to you throughout your life. Was it someone that seemingly lived a wonderful Christian life and even in times of trials and trouble always seemed to be positive? Or was it someone who was willing to share the whole truth--of being down in the valley--and how God took them up to the mountain?
Saturday, September 12, 2009
His new mom (our daughter-in-law) carried him into the house. He was half asleep. Because of the time change, it was difficult for him to wake up. When he did, he was very withdrawn.
At the beginning, he had attachment issues. This meant that to him everybody was the same. There was a process where his parents had to ask other people not to hold him so that he would become attached to his mommy and daddy. They were told that for him to fully attach to them would take the same amount of time that he was in the orphanage--16 months.
Well, he has been a part of the Evans family for nine months now. Has he attached to his mommy and daddy? Oh yes!! He adores his parents. To watch him and our son and daughter-in-law, it is hard to believe that he has ever been with anyone but them.
Chet and Phyllis have been so sweet about bringing me flowers since my surgery. Yesterday they stopped by to bring me more beautiful flowers. (I'm getting spoiled.) Matthew walked in with the flowers and handed them to me. It was the most special thing.
When Matthew comes to our home, he walks straight to the train table that we have for the grandchildren. He loves Thomas. When he gets tired with that, he takes someones hand and heads for the front closet where all the toys are kept. He is very much at home and very much our grandchild.
Matthew has the sweetest smile. When he smiles, the whole room lights up! Who knew adoption could be so wonderful? Thank you Heavenly Father!
Monday, September 7, 2009
Pain, Pain and More Pain
Yesterday I was able to put on some mascara. Yahoo!
But none of this comes without pain. And I do mean pain!
Last Wednesday when I went to therapy, the therapist turned my arm every which way possible-over and over and over. I am here to tell you that I would rather go through labor ten times than to have to go through that once. But there is much more to come. I get through it by taking deep breaths and talking to God.
Yes, I had heard how horribly painful surgery on the rotatar cuff was. But for me the surgery was a piece of cake. It is actually the therapy that hurts! It is almost constant pain--the pain that makes a person feel like giving up. You know what I say. This too shall pass.
The therapist said that I am making good progress!
Onward and upward I go! Maybe I will be able to pluck my eyebrows soon!!
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Therapy Begins
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Surgery on Friday
Four and a half years ago my husband and I decided to step out in faith and to prove God. I quit my job so that I could write the book that God had laid on my heart. The drawback would be that once my husband retired, I would no longer have medical insurance, but if I stayed at my job, I could have coverage there. We felt so strongly that God was leading me to come back home, so that's the decision we made.
Now is the time for the testing of that faith! Only it all happened a year and a half sooner than we expected. Not only was my husband laid off in February, but we could no longer get Cobra because the company went bankrupt. When I went to purchase my own policy, I was denied because I am diabetic. So I got a plan that basically offers a discount for medical services and pays an allotted amount for doctor visits, etc. It would have met my needs if it had not been for this shoulder problem...
For those of you who have gone without insurance, for the first time in my life, I can understand how devastating this can be. It is a horrible feeling! But I do have my own insurance company--and that is the Lord. Oh how wonderful to know that I do not have to worry about how this is going to be taken care of. My God owns everything! Certainly He can take care of my bills! The bottom line is that I can either fret and worry or I can put it in God's hands.
I am still human. I have my moments where fear overtakes me and then I must tell God I am sorry and I give it back to Him. More and more I am able to just leave it with Him.
I would like to encourage any of you who are going through a time where you just need to trust God and step out in faith--do it! God wants us to trust Him and He rewards us when we have faith. Remember the verse in Matthew, chapter 17, verse 20 where Jesus says, "...If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto you."
I covet your prayers. Also please remember to pray for Don and Trent as they attend to me and do the things around our home that I usually do.
It will probably be a while before I post again. For the Moms in the Wonderfully Made Moms group, I will be praying for each of you and hope to be teaching again by October.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Torn Rotator Cuff
My doctor warned me (as if I didn't already know it) that this is an extremely painful surgery with a long recovery time. But it needs to be done. Of course I have a choice, but I have already lost quite a bit of range of motion and it will only get worse without surgery. If that isn't bad enough, I will need around 3-4 months of physical therapy.
I believe, and so does my doctor, that this rotator cuff problem is a result of last November's car accident when I was rear ended. It is going to be hard to prove though, so in the meantime, my medical insurance will have to pay. My coverage is not the greatest, and there is nothing available for physical therapy.
We have been trying to sell our camper for some time. If we sell it, the money would be just about the amount we need for physical therapy. God always supplies our needs. I know He will again, just as He has in the past. As much as I dread going through this, it will be exciting to see how God intervenes.
Pray for Don and Trent, too, that they don't kill each other during this time. I'm just kidding, but of course, not only will they be taking care of me, but they will also be doing all the things that I usually do. It's not going to be easy for any of us.
I don't want this to sound like I'm complaining. I'm really not. I am grateful to God that we live in a day and age where something like this can be repaired. He is so good to us! I am so glad that I am saved and know that I am on my way to heaven. Last week when Trent and I were in the car and he was listening to a Christian CD, he said, "Mom, God is so good to us!" I replied, "You're right Trent. He sure is!"
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
July Bible Study for Moms on Church Website
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Go for the Goal!
How do we count it joy when we are tested? I've noticed in my life that my husband and I go through times that run smoothly and everything seems to go right. It is easy to say during those times "Praise God" and "Thank you God." Then all of a sudden, everything seems to fall apart, and is our response the same? It should be.
Everybody goes through testing. How we respond during these times shows us how strong (or weak) of a Christian we are. That thought can be a little hard to swallow, can't it?
This past week both my husband and I have been faced with physical problems--serious ones, yet not too serious for God to intervene. Underlying these problems is the thought, "We're getting older." It is especially difficult when we have an adult child with special needs. The hard truth is that some day, most likely, our child will be on this earth without us. Our human frailties are a reminder of how much we must depend upon the Lord.
Verse 2 says to count it all joy when we fall into temptation (or testing). How can it be counted for joy? Verse 3 goes on to say that the trying of our faith worketh patience. Patience! That's something we all want, isn't it? Sometimes we don't want to do the work to get it; or in other words, we don't want to endure the testing to get the reward! The last part of verse 4 says, "that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing." That means that we may be mature and complete.
Count it all joy? Does that mean that I am actually suppose to be happy about being tested? Well, yes it does. Read those verses again. The result of passing the test is patience. And don't we all want to be mature and complete? What a goal for which to strive!!!
If you are going through a difficult time of testing right now, ask God to help you pass the test. Go for the goal!
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
No Boring Retirement for Us!
Don and I went out to the campground for a few days last week. The second day we were there it rained, and it rained, and it rained. Now if any of you know anything about camping, rain is not good. We can tolerate the cold, we can even tolerate the heat. But when it rains, there is not much we can do. We went to a town a few miles away and walked around in the stores. Soon we grew weary of that and went back to the campground. We had reading material with us, but one can only read for so long. I LOVE to read. My husband LIKES to read somewhat. When I admitted that even I was tired of reading, he was surprised.
Then I was convicted about something our pastor said recently. Did you ever stop to think that when we complain about the weather we are complaining about something God made? It's a very convicting thought, isn't it?
VBS starts tomorrow at our church. Don, Trent and I are helping out--I'm teaching the 10-12 year olds and Don is in charge of the games.
Don was laid off in February, forcing him to retire sooner than he wanted to retire. However, we have committed ourselves to not retiring from the Lord's work as long as God give us strength to continue to serve him. As anyone who has an adult child with a disability living at home knows, we will never be bored. Isn't it wonderful to serve God and to be able to be there for an adult child with a disability as long as God allows? No complaints of boredom!
Last Wednesday Trent turned 29. Those years have flown by so quickly. Today is my husband's 65th birthday. Happy Birthday to two of the men in my life whom I love very much!!
Monday, June 29, 2009
We all make mistakes!
Now Trent is an excellent usher. He loves taking the offering and he does everything just as he was trained to do. The Lord's Supper is similar to taking the offering, and so it was nothing new or difficult for him to fill in for this task. In fact, he loved it. I could see the happiness on his face. He loves to be a part of things and he loves to serve the Lord.
But just as we all do at times, he failed at the next task he did.
As most of you know, Trent runs the sound system at our church. However, our other son, Chet, was on vacation this week and not there to assist Trent.
What happened?
A couple got up to sing their special. They were singing beautifully for about a minute when all of a sudden the sound system squealed. You know that sound--that awful sound where everyone puts their hands over their ears?
The couple stopped singing and our pastor ran over to the sound sytem to help Trent who was in a quandry about why this happened.
What did I do? I was embarrassed for our son. Then I quickly corrected myself. Trent made a mistake, just as we all do. Because of his disability he has been misjudged all his life. I decided that if other people thought poorly of him because of his mistake, then it was their problem, and not Trent's--or ours. Besides that, maybe they didn't think poorly of him at all. Maybe they actually accepted the fact that he simply made a mistake.
I tell this story for a reason. When we do the best raising our child who has special needs (or any child for that matter), and he flubs up, we need to leave the matter alone. Yes, disobedience or defiance needs to be dealt with, but when it is an honest mistake, as this was, we need leave it alone.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Trip to Shipshewana
Our son and daughter-in-law gifted us with a two-day stay at a Bed and Breakfast in Shipshewana, Indiana. If any of you have ever been to Shipshewana, you will know that it is an Amish community and that there are many wonderful shops where one can visit and enjoy looking at some beautiful items for hours on end. Even my husband enjoyed the trip and yes, he even enjoyed the shops. The flea market was absolutely amazing!
I felt totally and wonderfully spoiled. The Bed and Breakfast home was beautifully decorated--inside and out. It was as if we walked into a page of Better Homes and Gardens. Our host and hostess were very sweet people and the breakfast they served was absolutely delectable.
At 5:00 p.m. almost everything closes and the town is quiet except for the clip clop of the horses pulling the buggies. What a calming affect it has on everyone!
Just a reminder: The June Bible Study for Wonderfully Made Moms can be found on our church website http://www.lighthousebaptistchurchil.org/.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Enjoy the Summer!
Sometimes God gives us a minstry to do and for whatever reason it just doesn't seem to work out. Other times, we find that God greatly blesses and we LOVE what we are doing. When God began to speak to me about having something for the mothers of children with special needs, I felt so inadequate. But He so heavily laid it on my heart that I knew it was something I needed to do. Yes, I still feel inadequate, but that is what makes me depend upon the Lord so much more. We can do NOTHING in our own strength, but in His strength, we can do ANYTHING!
To all of you terrific Moms out there, I want to tell you to just keep on keeping on. When times are tough, depend upon the Lord. He is the one who will get you through each trial and give you everything you need. Enjoy the good times. Our children are little for such a short time. Now that summer is here and your children are out of school, make some memories with them. Just the other day, when our son Chet came by, he said, "Oh, we had so much fun growing up in this house!" I remember the boys running around and around the house, squirt guns in tow, pausing every once in a while to climb up a tree. Summer went by all too quickly! As I think about those times, tears fill my eyes. What a blessing it is to be a mother!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
God Cares for You!
The news was not good. A biopsy must be done and the vet was not optimistic. Phyllis was crying, asking me to pray. "I know she's just an animal, but she was with us through so many hard times. Some people don't understand."
It brought back memories of our own precious little dog whom we had to put down 7 years ago. He was only seven years old. He suddenly became ill with a virus that attacked his liver and his kidneys. For several days the vet tried to save him and then it was clear that we had to let him go. Don, Trent and I cried for days.
"I know how you feel," I responded, as tears came to my eyes. "They are a part of the family. Don't be ashamed of your tears. God made them for a reason. I'll be praying."
The truth of the matter is that God does care! Luke 12:6-7 says, "Are not five sparrows sold for two farthings, and not one of them is forgotten before God? But even the very hairs of your head are numbered. Fear not therefore: ye are of more value than many sparrows."
God did give us tears! I don't ever want to stop feeling for people. If we lose that sensitivity, how do we help others? How do we lead others to Christ? There are so many hurting people all around us. We need to feel their hurt and lead them to the One who can heal them.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
May's Bible Study for Wonderfully Made Moms
Friday, May 8, 2009
Busy Week and More Blessings
Last night we had our second Wonderfully Made Moms meeting. We had seven ladies in attendance. God is so good!
We had a wonderful discussion and then a lesson from God's Word. It's important for all of us moms to have a time of refreshing, and I believe that is even more true of moms who have kids with special needs. Firstly, that time of refreshing needs to come from time spent alone with God, reading His word and praying. Secondly, we need fellowship with others who love the Lord.
For those of you who would like to be a part of our Wonderfully Made Moms but who can not attend the meetings, we will have the lesson posted on our church website. I will give that information in my next post.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Oh How I Love Jesus!
Oh how I love Jesus!
Oh how I love Jesus-
Because He first loved me.
After singing that song in our Wonderfully Made Sunday School class on Sunday, I told the students, "Isn't that wonderful that Jesus loved us first? That's because He knew us before we knew Him." John, a young man with autism, looked at me and in the sweetest voice said, "I love Jesus so-o-o much. That's because He died on the cross for me." It was precious and the sincerity in his voice touched me. Oh, that we all would love Jesus so-o-o much because He loved us first.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Praise God for His Goodness
Or do we walk by sight and not by faith? We all falter from time to time, but oh how wonderful it is to walk by faith. This last week has been full of blessings.
On Thursday, a dear friend of ours was scheduled for a biopsy. It turned out that when he went back to the doctor, the biopsy wasn't even necessary. Praise God!
On Thursday we found out that we can only get COBRA for a few more weeks. Don's company is closing its doors permanently and COBRA will not be available. We didn't fret. We trusted God. And we continued to praise Him for who He is.
On Thursday night we had five ladies in attendance at our first Wonderfully Made Moms meeting. Praise God!
On Friday and Saturday, my husband did some work for a neighbor. Not only did our neighbor pay Don, but on Saturday we also received a check in the mail that we weren't expecting. Praise God!
Yesterday morning Trent and I went for our annual physicals and to get our prescriptions refilled for the upcoming year. The doctor squeezed us in because we had requested to have appointments before our insurance ran out. Before we saw the doctor, the nurse (who happens to be a Christian) talked to us about the insurance situation. I explained to her that Don would go on Medicare in July and that he would not have insurance coverage until then. My biggest fear was, however, that Trent would have to go on Medicaid. (There are very few doctors who will take Medicaid.) Her reply was, "The doctor takes those." I replied, "Yes, I know she takes Medicare, but Trent won't have that for about two years. It's Medicaid he will have." "Yes," she replied. "When the doctor has seen a patient for as long as she has seen Trent, she will continue to see him and accept his Medicaid." I furthered explained that I will not have insurance for the next few months. Her reply to that was, "Doctor will see you too, even without insurance. You've been with her for a long time and as long as you come in every three months and continue to take care of yourself, you can come in and have your diabetic checkup."
"Praise God!" I said, as tears came to my eyes. I couldn't wait to get home to share the news with Don. When I told him, he said, "God has been so good to us!"
"He sure has," I responded.
Yes, the last few days have been days filled with God's blessings! I can not help but think about the huge step of faith we took a little over four years ago.
I was working part time at a local hospital. God laid it on our hearts that I should quit my job to spend more time in the ministry. At that time, I wanted to finish my book and didn't have the time to do it. Don's employer, however, was beginning to send their jobs to Mexico and we already knew it was just a matter of time until he would lose his job. My biggest fear was in regards to the medical insurance. If I continued to work at the hospital, I would have the insurance I needed. If I left the job, then I could possibly face a time without the insurance.
It has been exciting to see how God is taking care of every little matter. Even when the hard times come, and they will, we must remember God's faithfulness and to praise Him!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
Why MY child, God?
We had a time of introduction, a short devotional, and a time of getting to know each other.
Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, May 7, at 7:00 p.m. We will continue to meet the first Thursday of each month.
Our topic in May will be "Why MY child, God?" I think that every mother who has a child with special needs has asked this question at one time or another. It is difficult to watch a child of ours suffer. Is there an answer to be found in God's word? Yes. The answer is a simple one, and yet, it is probably the most difficult answer to understand. Come join us and bring a friend to discover the answer to this question from God's perspective.
We are hoping to start a web site for Wonderfully Made Moms. We know there are many moms out there who would like to attend this Bible Study but are unable to attend because of distance or scheduling. We would also like to be able to hear from all you moms out there. We can help each other through our experiences.
Most importantly, we need to look at all of life's situations through God's Word. If you have questions, or would like to contact me, please e-mail me at beyondtheclouds@sbcglobal.net.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Wonderfully Made Moms--A New Addition!
Don and I went to visit Miss Fran and her two daughters, Virginia and Janet, last night. Miss Fran has had some mini strokes, but she is been doing very well.
I shared with her about the new phase of our ministry called Wonderfully Made Moms and asked her if she would consider coming and talking to our group in a few months. She was very excited and said that she would like to be a regular at our meetings. If any of you out there are wondering about whether or not you would like to attend Wonderfully Made Moms, let me tell you that Miss Fran is one of the most incredible women I have ever known.
Miss Fran will be 90 years old next month. She is a beautiful, immaculate lady. Her husband, Ellsworth, passed away this last summer at the age of 95. He had a stroke some years prior to that and for the last few years of his life, Miss Fran took care of him. She also continues to care for Virginia, 66, who has a mild mental disability, and Janet, soon to be 50, who has Down Syndrome.
Never have I heard her utter a word of complaint or make a negative statement about anything or anyone. She was faithful at all the church services until she felt she could no longer leave Ellsworth alone.
When Virginia was little, there was no special education. So Fran taught Virginia to read. When Janet was young, Fran and Ellsworth started the special recreation program in the Lockport area which is now the Tri County Special Recreation Association. Trent is very involved in the Tri County SRA.
I feel so fortunate to be joined by two women in this new ministry. I have already shared about Jen, mother of three, who has a child, Kaylee 3 1/2, who has autism. She is an "experienced" mother. Everyone knows about my son, Trent, who is 28 and has Down Syndrome. Instead of calling myself the older mother, I shall say the "more experienced" mother. (I like the sound of that much better!!) And now we are so blessed to have Miss Fran join us. We will call her the "most experienced" mother. I believe God has brought us all together to learn from and to share with each other.
I urge all mothers who have a special needs child to join us. It's only an hour and a half a month and I believe it will be a time well spent!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
New Test for Down Syndrome
Most of us know that 90 to 95% of unborn babies with Down Syndrome are now aborted. Let's say it the way it should be said. They are KILLED! Now there is a new test that can be done as early as the 8th week of pregnancy to determine if the unborn baby (Oops! I was suppose to say fetus) has Down Syndrome. Let's get real. How long will it be before every pregnant woman will be required to take the test and if the baby is found to be defective, abortion will be required? And WHO, I would like to ask, has the right or even the ability to determine what defective is? The ultimate purpose of all of this would be for one purpose and for one purpose only--to eradicate Down Syndrome.
Words can not even begin to express how this makes me feel. I am heartsick. I feel weak and nauseous when I read this.
I can not or would not like to imagine my life without my son Trent. Trent is Trent. I do not think about his having Down Syndrome. As I stated in my book, Down Syndrome does not make Trent who he is. Trent is a very loving young man who happens to have Down Syndrome. What if we were all brought before a jury and our worth had to be decided. How many of us would make the cut?
We WILL all stand before a judge some day--the Creator of all! Our nation is going to pay a huge price for what we have done and the things we continue to do. We should not turn our heads the other way and condone these sins. We need to be on our knees begging God's forgiveness and asking Him to stop these abominable actions of mankind. We have no right to kill someone whom God made!
You see, abortion rules out a person. The only way a woman can abort is to not think of that unborn child as a person. It is only a fetus. That's what sin is--it's only....it's only...it's only.
My Bible tells me that God created--He created the earth, the sun, moon, and stars, the animals, and man and woman. He created everything. All things were created by Him and for Him.
Oh that God would extend His hand of mercy on this country!!!
Kids Say the Sweetest Things
That, of course, means I will be busier than usual for a while.
Last week on Monday night, two of my grandchildren, Andrew and Angelina stayed overnight and all day Tuesday. Angelina will be four on June 1, and Andrew was 10 in February. Sometimes kids say such adorable things.
We were all baking cookies and Angelina was talking about getting saved. Following is the conversation:
Angelina: "I'm going to heaben when I get sabed, but I'm not sabed yet."
Andrew: "Yes, you need to get saved so that you can go to heaven when you die."
Grandma (me) : "Or maybe Jesus will come back before then and just take us straight to heaven".
Angelina (ever so thoughtfully): "Mommy didn't tell me about that."
What was so sweet is that Angelina's Mommy is telling her about Jesus and what He has done for her. And she's listening! Children are never too young to learn about Jesus.
I'm exhausted and am going to call it a day soon. Not only did I have Matthew all day today, but Angelina and her little brother Wesley (age 14 months) were over here for a few hours. Two toddlers and a 3 1/2 year old can really wear a body out! I'm a worn out, happy grandmother--I guess that makes me wappy!
Monday, March 23, 2009
First Meeting for Moms
This group is for Moms who have children with special needs and it is called Wonderfully Made Moms. I think we are going to have a wonderful time together. We have so many things in common and I believe we can learn from each other.
We will be discussing some of the following topics:
*SuperMom--or not?
*Finding time for my other children who do not have special needs
*Disciplining my special needs child
*Coping with fears and worries
*What does God expect of me?
If you are interested and would like more information, please e-mail me at beyondtheclouds@sbcglobal.net. On the subject line, please type in Wonderfully Made Moms. I will respond to you as quickly as I can.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Wonderfully Made Moms
I am so-o-o excited as we begin a new phase of our special needs (Wonderfully Made) ministry. Next month we will begin a Bible study for mothers who have children with special needs. I am also thankful for a young mother, Jennie, who will be helping me out in this ministry.
Jennie is the wife of a wonderful man and the mother of three young children, age three and under. Their family began to attend the church where we are members some time, I believe, around the end of last summer. Jennie's three-year-old daughter, Kaylee, has autism. I admit to knowing little about autism, but I am beginning to learn. I would direct those of you who would like to know more to go to Jennie's website--bloominwhereyourplanted.blogspot.com. She has written about her experiences with Kaylee and some of the successes she has had. She is a young woman who loves the Lord and I look forward to working with her in this endeavor to reach out to other moms. I believe God brought us together for this part of the Wonderfully Made ministry. Our objective, of course, is to help and encourage each other, but most of all to point to the One who can solve all of our problems--Jesus Christ.
Little Kaylee loves music. Last night her parents brought her into church for the music part of the service. Pastor requested that we sing Jesus Loves Me. Kaylee sang out with all her might--and she sang right on key. It was such a blessing to me.
Yes, we are looking for great things from God. Pray for us as we reach out to Wonderfully Made Moms. (And yes, we are wonderfully made too!)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Matthew is Home!!
The surgery went well, although he has been in pain. When he was brought to recovery after surgery, Chet and Phyllis were shocked to see how swollen his mouth and eyes were. Today, however, the swelling had gone down. The difficult thing now is going to be the restraints that he has to have on his arms to keep him from touching his mouth. He has to wear them day and night for two weeks. As one can imagine, that is going to be very trying for little Matthew--and even more for Mom and Dad.
When I got up at 3:00 this morning, I peeked into Trent's room and saw him sitting up in his bed. I went to him and asked, "Is there something wrong Trent?" "I can't sleep," he replied. "It's Matthew!" I said, "Matthew is okay. God is taking care of him. The nurses are giving him medicine to help him to sleep and when he is asleep, he is not feeling pain." Trent has a heart full of love! I praise God for the love between "Uncle" Trent and his nephew. Thank you dear Jesus for taking care of our little Matthew.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Matthew's Surgery
I am going to miss him for the next three weeks. We can't believe how quickly he is learning. A few days ago I taught him the sign for more and he picked it up in no time. Now when he wants more of something, he uses the sign. In the past weeks we have seen him learn to fold his hands every time we pray, throw kisses, give hugs, wink, blow his nose, etc. You get the picture. It is amazing that after spending almost 16 months in an orphanage how he has made up for lost time. God is going to do something special with that little boy!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Trusting God through Scary Times
We look around at the things that are happening in our world. Those of us who know our Bible know that things do not look good. The signs are there--the failing economy, the failure of our leadership to take a stand for right, the promiscuity in these days, to name only a few. How then do we trust God? I mean REALLY trust Him?
We must recognize that God is sovereign. Nothing escapes the attention of God. There is nothing that is so great that it can be beyond His power to control it. This lesson is especially important to me.
A few years ago, Don and I went through a time of testing that lasted about a year and a half. There were times that I said, "Why God, why? Why can't this end?" It wasn't going to end until we learned what God had for us to learn. It was a horrible thing to go through and yet, we knew that God was in control.
Now again we are facing a situation that demands for us to trust God. I want to share this because I feel there are many others out there who will be facing a similar situation.
Last Friday Don called me from work to tell me that he had just been laid off. He has been there for 35 years. He has no pension. When Don started work there, we didn't think about a pension--we were young and naive. By the time we began to consider that he should have a job with a pension, we had Trent. Trent had pre-existing conditions, so Don couldn't change jobs or Trent would have had no medical insurance. In the earlier years, he had some serious medical conditions. Needless to say, any money we were able to invest in the stock market has sadly dwindled down. So...how are we handling this?
We are trusting God. God has never let us down and He is not going to let us down now. I think back to an incident that happened when we had been married for only a few years.
Don was a baker at the time and he worked nights. He usually got home around 11:00 a.m. We had dinner and then he went to bed. He drove about 36 miles each way to work. On this particular day, a Wednesday, when he arrived home, he asked me if I had any money. I told him I had nothing. With that he replied, "I only have enough gas to get to work one time, so I'll have to take tomorrow off, and then go to work on Friday (pay day). I can't afford to take the day off, but I don't know what else to do." He went to bed and I put Brad down for his nap.
That afternoon I decided to go down to the basement and go through a box of some things I had saved from before we were married. I don't know why, I suppose it was to get my mind off of the problem. I had already asked God to work it out.
In that box of items was an old wallet of mine. I opened it up and I could not believe my eyes! There was a five dollar bill in it--more than enough to buy gas for him to get back and forth to work for those two days.
I can't help but think how God in His sovereignty had me leave the money in that wallet and then forget about it. And that wasn't enough!! He also put it in my mind to go through that box on that particular day, after it had been there untouched for a few years!!!
The greatest thing about that time is that I have never forgotten the incident. It has reminded me that God will always takes care of us and that He is in control!
If you know Jesus Christ as your own personal Savior, you can trust Him for everything. He is sovereign and He is Lord of all!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Happy Birthday Andrew
We love you!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Uncle Trent
On Saturday morning we attended the basketball game of one of our grandsons, Andrew, and in the afternoon we attended a birthday party for him (he will be 10 in a few days) and his one-year-old brother Wesley. I have a wonderful camera that my husband bought me a while back, but now I need to learn how to load the pictures onto my blog. Actually, if I ever had enough time in one block, I could follow the directions and figure it out. They say you can't teach an old dog new tricks. Truth is, it just takes a little (or a lot) longer.
The party was nice. Trent was especially delighted. He got to hold two of his nephews at once, one in each arm--Wesley who just turned one, and Matthew who is 18 months. For the last couple of days, he has said, "I was holding two babies, mom! Two babies!" I have the cutest picture of the three of them. Too bad I can't share it. Trent is in his glory when one of these precious toddlers allows him to hold them. He's a good uncle!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Busy Day!
I was able to talk to my friend Margie for a little while this morning, and she is always like a breath of fresh air. She is not only my dear, sweet friend, but she has also been my faithful prayer partner for almost 30 years. After dropping Trent off at work, I went to visit Diane (a member of our former Wonderfully Made ministry) in the nursing home. This was not easy for me as it brings back memories of visiting my mother in a nursing home. Diane, as you might remember, was in bad shape a few months ago, and the doctors had thought that Diane wouldn't live. But as always, our plans and ideas are certainly not God's. Diane is doing very well. Hopefully it won't be too long before she is discharged to go home. What a testimony of God's love and grace she is!
Today I am not babysitting Matthew because school is closed and so his Mom, Phyllis, is home. I am using this day as a catch-up day. Trent will be home shortly from work and he and I have a lunch date. We try to do this every once in a while. He is such a big help around the house--even with Matthew. He will watch him for a few minutes here and there while I do some things. He faithfully takes out the garbage and does the laundry. Our lives are so busy that I like to take this time just to give him some individual attention. He loves going out for lunch. He also needs some clothes and other things, so we will go shopping--which he hates. Believe it or not, I don't like shopping. I like to get to the store, find what I need, and get home again. But, I do LOVE bargains, and there are plenty of them to be had this year.
God is really working in our lives and the ministry to which He has called us. We have received some encouraging letters from people this past week who were at the workshop we attended a week ago. I am grateful to those who take the time to encourage others. This in itself is a ministry.
I am so excited about what God has for us in the future. We have an awesome God and it is wonderful to serve Him!!
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
New Changes Everyday
I am into the fourth week of babysitting Matthew. The changes in that little boy are just unbelievable!! Last week was the first time that he actually laid his head on my shoulder. Today he started something new. When he was in his highchair, he suddenly reached up to me. When he did it, I knew he didn't want to get out of the highchair because he loves to eat. I bent over and hugged him, and for the longest time he placed his head on my shoulder. He did that twice at both breakfast and lunch. He is indeed attaching himself to his new family, and for the first time in his life, he is understanding what it is to be loved.
What a joy it is to watch this miracle unfold!!!
Monday, February 9, 2009
What a Great Weekend!
I was also given the privilege of being one of the speakers. What a joy it was to participate in this! The people were all open, friendly and personable. When Don and I began the Wonderfully Made ministry approximately six years ago, we never knew there was anyone out there who could help us and we had no idea how to begin our ministry. We stumbled along, doing the best we could. How nice it would have been to have known about Voice of Care. We especially enjoyed the afternoon presentation by David & Lo-Ann Trembley. We picked up some ideas from them that we would like to incorporate into our Wonderfully Made Sunday School class.
It was a blessing to meet so many compassionate parents and workers. The day was well spent.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Happy Birthday Wesley!
Friday, January 30, 2009
Jesus Loves the Little Children
All the children of the world,
Red and Yellow, Black and White,
They are precious in His sight.
Jesus loves the little children of the world.
I find myself singing this song over and over lately. I have been babysitting our new grandchild, Matthew, who is from China. Every day when I hug him and I kiss him I am awestruck that he is a part of our family and how much Jesus loves him.
Jesus loves ALL children. What a wonderful comfort this is to parents of children with special needs. Sometimes we forget the simple truths. In the Bible (Matthew 19:14) Jesus says, "Suffer (allow the) little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me; for of such is the kingdom of heaven."
Autism, Down Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy and all the other terms that are applied to people who have special needs are labels this world chooses to use. They are just that--labels. Jesus doesn't see the labels--He sees our children as children and He dearly loves each one.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Beautiful Angel and A Doll House
In my front closet is an unfinished dollhouse. Some months ago, when we went into the front closet to get some toys, she noticed it. Oh how she wanted to play with it! "I'm sorry sweetheart," I said, "but that house is not finished. Maybe when you get bigger, you and grandma can finish it together." It was only a month or two later when she and I went into the front closet again. Looking at the doll house, she put her hand on top of her head, then looked up at me with her beautiful smile and big dimples, and said, "I'm bigger now, grandma."
I don't want her to grow up too quickly, but I do look forward to finishing that doll house with her.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Babysitting Matthew
Today I start babysitting Matthew. His mom (my daughter-in-law) teaches at a local Christian school. I know it is hard for her to leave him and it is going to be an adjustment for all of us. I look forward to loving on him and am praying that he adjusts quickly to being with me. How I thank God for this wonderful addition to our family. He is so loved!
So, if I don't blog quite as often as I have been, please have patience with me. I will whenever I get the chance.
Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Winter Memories
I replied, "We are just in the first part of winter. We have a long ways to go."
I thought back to when our children were young. Snow covered the ground from Thanksgiving Day until the end of March. Our daughter went ice skating every time she had a chance. There was an area right next to her school that the park district flooded with water and it would freeze--and actually stay frozen the whole winter.
Don and I took our children every winter to the toboggan slides at Swallow Cliff (Palos Park). What a ride! I remember that feeling of fear as as we quickly approached the first drop. I hugged one of my children close to me. The ride was over in seconds! Then there was the walk back up--120 stairs to be exact--to experience the thrill all over again. Needless to say, we didn't go down the slide too many times--the trip back up was difficult--especially with little ones to carry in our arms.
Then the climate changed and our winters became milder. No more outdoor ice skating. It was just too warm. There wasn't enough snow to go tobogganing, or when we did get snow, the warm weather soon melted it. The toboggan slides at Swallow Cliff were no longer open. Eventually the wood slides rotted and cement ones were built. Just a few years ago those were torn down from lack of use. We were all convinced that global warming had changed everything.
I wish those slides were still in use. I would have loved to take our grandchildren there to enjoy something that their parents enjoyed when they were kids. But I'm afraid that Don and I would need an escalator now!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
(author unknown)
Most women become mothers by accident, some by choice, a few by social pressures, and a couple by habit. This year nearly 100,000 women will become mothers of handicapped children. Did you ever wonder how mothers of handicapped children are chosen?
Somehow I visualize God hovering over earth selecting His instruments for propagation with great care and deliberation. As He observes, He instructs His angels to make notes in a giant ledger.
"Armstrong, Beth," son... "Forrest, Marjorie," daughter... "Rutledge, Carrie," twins. Finally, He passes a name to an angel and smiles, "Give her a handicapped child."
The angel is curious. "Why this one, God? She's so happy."
"Exactly," smiles God. "Could I give a handicapped child a mother who does not know laughter? That would be cruel."
"But has she patience?" asks the angel.
"I don't want her to have too much patience, or she will drown in a sea of self-pity and despair. Once the shock and resentment wear off, she'll handle it. I watched her today. She has that feeling of self and independence that is so rare and so necessary in a mother. You see, the child I am going to give her has his own world. She has to make him live in her world, and that's not going to be easy."
"But, Lord, I don't think she even believes in You."
God smiles, "No matter; I can fix that. This one is perfect. She has just enough selfishness."
The angel gasps, "Selfishness? Is that a virtue?"
God nods. "If she can't separate herself from the child occasionally, she'll never survive. Yes, here is a woman whom I will bless with a child less than perfect. She doesn't realize it yet, but she is to be envied. She will never take for granted a 'spoken word.' She will never consider a 'step' ordinary. When her child says 'Momma' for the first time, she will be present at a miracle and know it! When she describes a tree or a sunset to her blind child, she will see it as few people ever see my creations. I will permit her to see clearly the things I see...ignorance, cruelty, prejudice...and allow her to rise above them. She will never be alone. I will be at her side every minute of every day of her life because she is doing My work as surely as she is here by My side."
"And how about her inner strength?" asks the angel, his pen poised in mid air.
God smiles, "A mirror will suffice."
And we all know that our inner strength comes from God!!!
Enjoy His blessings today!!
Monday, January 5, 2009
2009 is here!
And Matthew seems to have taken a liking to his grampa! Of course, grampa doesn't like that!! My husband's eyes light up when Matthew reaches for him. Matthew adds sunshine to our lives, just as grandchildren do--each one of them!!
I am looking forward to seeing what God does in our lives in 2009. We already have some wonderful opportunities. Here are some of the things God is leading us to do this year in the Wonderfully Made ministry:
Visit and encourage new prospects for our Sunday School Class (for teens and adults).
Plan a quarterly activity for Wonderfully Made.
Start a group for young mothers who have a child with special needs--meeting at our home once a month.
I am also looking forward to speaking at the Voice of Care conference in February. This is a wonderful opportunity.
We need prayer. We aren't as young as we use to be and each thing we do seems to take double the effort. God is able to give us all we need. Jesus could come for His bride at any moment. We need to be reaching people for Him!!!