Monday, March 23, 2009

First Meeting for Moms

To anyone who might be interested, the newest phase of the Wonderfully Made Ministry will have its first meeting on April 16 at 7:00 p.m. Thereafter we will meet the first Thursday of every month.

This group is for Moms who have children with special needs and it is called Wonderfully Made Moms. I think we are going to have a wonderful time together. We have so many things in common and I believe we can learn from each other.

We will be discussing some of the following topics:
*SuperMom--or not?
*Finding time for my other children who do not have special needs
*Disciplining my special needs child
*Coping with fears and worries
*What does God expect of me?

If you are interested and would like more information, please e-mail me at On the subject line, please type in Wonderfully Made Moms. I will respond to you as quickly as I can.

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